Captura de pantalla 2015-03-11 a las 15.17.42Captura de pantalla 2015-03-11 a las 15.18.07Captura de pantalla 2015-03-11 a las 15.18.22         situaciones-riesgo-implicaciones-directivas-el-sector-hotelero-canarias

The complex and international nature of tourism contributes to make it one of the industries most exposed to diverse critical situations. With tourism being an activity with relevant impact on the development of economy, identifying the types of crises that affect the sector emerges as a key issue for hotel management.In this paper, the analysis of the information provided by a panel of experts reveal that not only are economic crises, but the tourism industry is facing multiple types of risks and adverse situations. From the results of the study, we propose a management agenda that will contribute to control and even minimize the negative impact of potential and actual risk situations.

Written by PhD_MarisaHidalgo

Marisa Hidalgo, PhD, Tourism by University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) is a strategic management expert specialized in Tourism, eTourism and ICTs. Marisa is intereted in academic areas includes international and local tourism business. She researchs the strategic business, the impact of IT in the agility of organizations...
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