A stop, to talk, remember and enjoy moments that marked a before and after in my career. A great friend, Diego Sanchez Trujillo, prestigious Barman, national talent in the hospitality.

RadioTv Mogán interested in showing, everybody, all talent in existence belongs to tourism industry, welcomes to Marisa Hidalgo Peñate. An interview probes PhD Hidalgo´s career and presents a professional that knows and feels deeply the tourism industry.  PhD. Hidalgo advises teenage study and be interested in this profession and tells anecdotes about her background.

Written by PhD_MarisaHidalgo

Marisa Hidalgo, PhD, Tourism by University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) is a strategic management expert specialized in Tourism, eTourism and ICTs. Marisa is intereted in academic areas includes international and local tourism business. She researchs the strategic business, the impact of IT in the agility of organizations...
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